Sensual Magnetism is a self paced 6 video module journey where you will learn how to embody the power of your divine feminine energy and deepen your relationship with your sensuality.
You'll be guided through educational, energetic and somatic embodiment experiences to activate the 6 Goddess Archetypes.
Where you will clear the fears, judgements, energetic resistance and lack of safety in your body that are standing in the way of you feeling free, fully self expressed and tapped into your feminine energy.
Module 1: Feminine Frequency
The Embodied Goddess will activate you into the power of your sensuality and teach you how to tap into your divine feminine energy.
Module 2: Trusting the Masculine
The Queen will take on a journey of healing your relationship with your inner masculine, men and feeling safe with them.
Module 3: Safety in the Body
The Divine Mother will guide you into creating safety from within, and reclaiming your relationship with inner and outer security.
Module 4: The Receiving Sequence
The Seductress will help you expand your capacity to feel safe receiving and asking for what you desire so that you can receive more, with more ease.
Module 5: Your Energetic Essence
The Rebel will invite you to embrace and claim your authentic expression fall in love with who you uniquely are.
Module 6: Codes to Creation
The Creatrix will have you free yourself from imposter syndrome, doubt and fear that stands in the way of your magnetism, creativity and abundance.
Click here for payment plan:
2 payments of $555