The Conscious Coach Facilitator Training 

is a 6 month personal development journey and certification program for aspiring life coaches to become confident and masterful coaches at facilitating life changing transformation

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Imagine this...
  • Bringing a whole new level of transformation into your work and facilitating breakthroughs for clients where they’re like ‘holy shit – my whole life is changed because of what we did'
  • You're living as an embodied expression of your highest self, and feel a deep sense of freedom and confidence in your ability to design your life by your desires 
  • You're living in ALIGNMENT and your full self gets to be expressed in your purpose, business so you literally get to work wherever, whenever and however you'd like & in ways that feel most authentic to YOU
  • You get to make money through your purpose-led business and facilitating life changing transformation for your clients with the confidence of EXACTLY how to serve them in your sessions 
  • Being deeply connected to your purpose, more clear on how you can share your gifts with the world and have more confidence in your offerings so that you can live the free & fulfilled life your soul desires. 
  • You finally feel CLEAR on HOW to do things your own way  
You desire a purpose led, impactful life of FREEDOM! You want to do what you love, help others thrive, and live in alignment with your true self.

The Conscious Coach Facilitator Training is the place to make it all happen!

Within the Conscious Coach training principles, we believe that all change begins with us and that when we become a living embodiment of that change - we become an example and leader to guide others to create it too. 

What is it?

The Conscious Coach Facilitator Training is a personal development and certification program designed to help aspiring life coaches do the deep work on themselves so that they can hold deeper space for their clients. 

I believe that you know yourself better than anyone else, and the same is true for your clients. By going through this program, not only will you experience a profound transformation within yourself - but have the skills and confidence to guide your clients through their own. 

By taking this certification program you will… 
  • Learn how to structure your coaching sessions and facilitate transformation that helps your clients clear mental, emotional and energetic blocks 
  • Learn how to support yourself and your clients to make intuitively led and self empowered decisions. 
  • Get clear on what you actually want for your life and what is getting in the way of you creating that 
  • Learn how to deeper connect with emotions and communicate, experience and express them with emotional intelligence and self compassion
  • Learn how to hold safe space for your clients to process their emotions, fears and beliefs without feeling a need to ‘fix’ or solve it for them
  • Clear your own blocks, beliefs and patterns that manifest in your business and how to connect with the highest version of you, so that you feel confidently empowered in the results you’re creating 
  • Learn how to energetically support yourself with tools and practices that as an empath, will allow you to hold space for yourself and your clients, without feeling drained, taking on their emotions or burning yourself out 
  • Learn how to channel and connect to your higher self so that you’re not trying to “figure out” the next thing to say 
  • Become trauma informed so that you can support yourself and your clients' nervous system through triggering challenges along the way 

No more second guessing.

No more feeling stuck.

No more comparison and self doubt.

It's designed to help YOU first and foremost, so that you become an embodied expression of possibility for your soul-mate clients and unique soul's purpose

You will be in a safe, supportive and encouraging community of other coaches who are on the path to becoming their highest selves and serving their deepest purpose. 


You will have access to all of the Conscious Coach tools, templates, workbooks and the processes that will not only support you in your personal growth and healing journey - but that you will be able to support your clients with!  


You will receive tailored coaching support from Taylor as you go through the program so that you can move through any mindset blocks, beliefs or emotions that arise along the way. 


A curriculum designed to cover the education, energetics & embodiment you will need as a coach so that you feel confident in yourself and your coaching practice. 

Our Mission and Vision
To help people discover their truth, so that they can live authentically and in alignment with who they are and have the courage to do what they feel called to do.
To create a world...
  • Where people trust themselves and their intuition more than they trust any external authority. 
  • Where people feel confident to make aligned and empowered decisions about what they actually want for their life, beyond what they’ve been told, have seen or think they should do.
  • Where people live life beyond their wounds, fears, doubts, insecurities and shame. 
  • Where people feel safe to be all of who they are.
  • Where our lives feel like freedom, liberation and authentic self expression.

I'm Taylor.



I’ve been a life coach for 5 years now and in that time I've worked with over 200 private clients, had hundreds of incredible students through my programs, lived in 4 different countries and created a multi-6 figure business that I'm IN LOVE with.

I have time and location freedom, deep and incredible relationships, a fulfilling purpose and powerful personal alignment in life.

Before that I was the manager of a gym and personal trainer on the side.

Even though I ‘had it all’ I found myself extremely unfulfilled and unhappy. 

Then after ending a 4 year relationship, I synchronistically discovered the world of personal development and started to binge listen to podcasts and audio books, read and meditate everyday, journal, and hired my first ever life coach. 

After experiencing many personal breakthroughs and sharing them with my clients, they started to find their passions and purposes, leave unhealthy relationships, deepen into love in their existing ones and feel more connected to their intuition, their emotions and overall feel more ALIVE!

So, I decided to quit my job and go full time into life coaching.

Since then I have invested over $100k into certifications, coaching and training programs to further my education 

This program is composed of all of the tools and teachings I’ve learned alongside my own methodologies, personal philosophies and channeled teachings. 

I'm so excited to share it with you!

Here's what past student and clients have to say... 


“If you’re looking to go deeper within yourself to show up deeply for your clients this is the program for you. I transformed in a way I didn’t even know was possible. I signed up for the program knowing that I wanted to do some deep inner work and learn how to create a safe space for my client. I wanted to learn how to be an embodiment of what I was teaching. I wanted to have contagious energy the way that Taylor does. I am now in a place where I am able to regulate my emotions, where I can show up for my clients and hold safe space for them, where I know what my next steps as a coach are. I have so many new tools I can use on me and my clients. She kept our energy, needs, and emotions in mind at every step of the way. There is change. There is transformation. It is inevitable. I would recommend it to any coach that is ready to take a step towards her next level self. I can’t thank you enough Taylor!! You are light in this world.”


"I healed, I grew and I expanded into the Highest Version of myself. My energy changed. I learnt to love and accept myself, and work with myself. I learnt to give myself more compassion and grace, and to trust myself. I learnt how to balance my energy and process my emotions in a healthy way. I also learnt so much about my business and was able to develop my own coaching methodology, which has given me the ultimate freedom from comparison! I trust myself and my ability to succeed. I know the direction I want to take my business in, and I have learnt to show up for myself, my business and my dream so fully and completely. I feel so grounded and centered in who I am and what my own unique mission is. My energy has shifted completely too! I feel so confident in myself and my business, and have released the comparison I found myself in before joining. Truly, I am a brand new human being, equipped with the skills to provide my clients with a deeper transformation too!"


"I’ve worked with Taylor a few times and she is just the most wonderful human! During times when I was very lost and felt powerless, she helped me to find clarity, and reconnect with my inner power, my intuition, and my truth. She is very effective at what she does to help you show up more powerfully and authentically in your life, and get out of your own way.

Taylor knows how to hold space for ALL of you, and she doesn’t do fluff or surface level, she gets to the roots of what is showing up for you in your life and keeping you stuck, and guides you to find the inner peace, power, and answers within yourself. Highly recommend working with her if you want to create deeper connection and intimacy with yourself, your body and your intuition, overcome stuck states, expand in any area of your life…literally ALL THE THINGS!"


"Before I started working with Taylor I was literally at the beginning of my coaching journey. I had a lot of information and I wanted the space to integrate the teachings and learn how I can make it my own. I was heavily focusing on wanting immediate results and because I was leaning too much into already being at my "peak" that I wasn't embracing the process that comes with it. I now embrace it with a lot my compassion and grace because of the safe space Taylor provided for me. With Taylor I worked on creating my first group coaching program, embodying and surrendering into my feminine energy, allowing myself to not have all the answers for my clients and the power of breath-work. I found each time leaving a call elevated and closer to what was for me in my business. I am full-time coaching and in the middle of scaling my business. I feel a lot more secure in being a coach and holding a safe space for my clients that comes from my heart. I feel more secure in how I show up as a coach for my current and future clients. I have  tapped into a power of mine that I was able to embody because of Taylor's teachings."


"The Conscious Coach program changed my life!! As a human being AND as a coach. It gave me the tools to take my own healing to a deeper level. I had been feeling stuck in my own personal growth for months before joining CC, and everything I learnt gave me the growth that I was seeking, and so much more! I still use the tools I learnt to this day! It also made me a MUCH better coach! It taught me how to better hold space for my clients, and gave me so much new knowledge and tools to help my clients experience deeper transformations. I felt like I saw a night and day difference in my coaching, and in my confidence as a coach! Every single training felt like, individually, it was worth the entire investment! All round, it was just such an incredible experience and I am forever grateful to my past self for taking the leap and joining the program! Taylor is an incredible coach and when she says “I got you,” you can know, without a shadow of a doubt, that she’s got you." 

If you're ready to DEEPLY support yourself and your future clients

The Conscious Coach is designed to activate YOU, so that you can better support your clients!

When YOU rise, they rise and we all rise TOGETHER. 


Are you a perfect fit?

  • You're a student of life and are LOVE learning new things but you're feeling stuck in how to bring everything you know into what you do.

  • You're deeply committed to becoming the best version of yourself and the best coach for your clients 

  • You desire to have a life of freedom where you're the creator of your own reality and you're committed to living life as your highest self by living authentically and in alignment 
  • You want your coaching business to be a space that you can continually evolve and expand within and not something that you feel boxed in by 

  • You want to deepen your experience and expand your tool belt of resources to bring to your clients 
  • You know you're here to live a purpose led life and make money doing something meaningful while living a lifestyle that is on your own terms 

“Being a coach is a privilege and a gift. It allows you to be paid to become the best version of you as you guide others to do it with you" - Taylor Tosczak

If this sounds like you...

Join the waitlist