a four month one on one coaching container for ambitious women to soften into their feminine and heal their relationship with men, money & their magnetism so they can create the life & relationships they desire.


Let’s start with why you’re here…

You are a woman who no matter what your heart has been through, you have not lost hope on true, authentic love

At some point on your love journey, you had met “the guy” and it didn’t work out the way you expected it to.
So your heart was shattered because you gave it your all— and now, you're noticing patterns, fears, triggers and insecurities come up when it comes to men, money & relationships.

Maybe you sabotage love when things start to get real.
Maybe you keep going for the 'same guy, different face' or settling for the 'almost it' guy
Maybe you fear opening up your heart and possibly getting hurt again so you play it small and 'safe' by people pleasing or settling in relationships.

 But deep down, your heart is yearning for the deep, authentic relationships & romantic love that you've always dreamed of.


 You're ready to do the work & receive the support to create the life and relationships that reflect the highest version of you. 

 Having the relationship and life that you desire goes beyond just thinking positive and manifesting the 'perfect person' who checks all the boxes.

It's understanding our core childhood beliefs and how they impact our confidence and self worth

Regulating our nervous systems so we feel safe in our bodies and trust our intuition 

Healing our past traumas and deepening the level of trust we have with ourselves and others.

...So that we feel so that we can feel secure, confident and happy in our life and relationships. 

But most relationship programs focus on tactics and not addressing the underlying root of what’s causing these things to manifest in the first place. 

Rather than just giving you some journal prompts and step-by-step strategies
(don’t worry you’ll get plenty of those)

You’re going to get hands-on mindset, somatic and transformational coaching support that will help you dig deep into the underlying cause of these patterns in your relationships so that you can finally feel free of them.

Its time for you to go from feeling heartbroken, anxious and unworthy in your relationships to becoming whole, confident and embodied in your power 

By joining 

a 4 month program for women who are devoted to becoming the highest version of themselves in their life and relationship.

Whether you are in a committed partnership or entering into a new one - you’re ready to do the inner work to heal your heart from past heartbreaks, overcome the old patterns and pain and to become the highest version of yourself in your relationship.

So that you can...

  • Feel strong and confident in yourself, your boundaries, communication & self expression so you're no longer people pleasing, bypassing your own needs or playing small 

  • Expand your capacity to easily receive: money, love, pleasure & support without feeling guilty or pushing it away and then feeling burnt out because you're trying to do it all on your own 

  • Uncover the unconscious patterns that are getting in the way of the love & life you desire so you no longer sabotage in relationships, but allow your heart to open deeper into them  

  • Feel crystal clear around on what you actually desire and value in relationships & develop strong self trust and discernment when it comes to when to stay vs when to walk away 

  • Become embodied in your divine feminine energy so you can feel liberated in your body & magnetic in your sensuality & self expression  
  • Access a deep level of safety and self trust with & intuition so you can feel at home within yourself and not feel empty with seeking external validation 

  • Tap into our personal power and authentic radiance so that you feel clear in who you are and the magic that you bring to the world!

I have embodied the person I have always strived to become...

You helped me to knock down my walls and also gave me the tools to rebuild myself. I have surrounded myself with incredible people who continue to build up with me. My company is thriving and my marriage is stronger then ever. My anxiety is part of me but does not limit me, my friendships are blossoming and I'm opening myself up to a deeper trusting connection. This has been the most incredible year and Im looking forward to the many new adventures to come. Thank you for helping me live my potential and beyond

I was able to not only recognize my people pleasing patterns that were persisting into my current partnership,

But also release energetic and emotional ties to the previous partner to clear space. That very same night I had a breakthrough with my current partner. I was able to show up and express my truth grounded in my power. I watched as a conditioned behavior pattern we had been trying to resolve for months, completely crumbled in front of me as we fully understood each other, and were able to connect deeply. I am so grateful


By joining Becoming you will gain access to the coaching, the tools and the support you need to go from feeling insecure and anxious, to secure and confident in yourself & your relationships.


What you'll get access to when you join Becoming

  • 1:1 Love & Life Coaching Calls with Taylor (Weekly 45 minute OR Bi-weekly 90 minute)
  • Voxer support Monday - Friday 
  • Somatic embodiment and breathwork practices for healing and releasing sexual, energetic and emotional trauma 
  • BECOMING modules with guided exercises and prompts to gain clarity and deeper connection with yourself 
  • Personalized integrative practices to implement into your life and relationships
  • BONUS access to The Academy with over 25+ hours of self paced content 
  • The MAGNETISM Membership with brand new, live bi-weekly embodiment & mindset masterclasses 


4 payments of $2222 usd

This program is for you if...

You're ready to make a proactive, positive changes in your life and your relationships

You're coachable and committed to showing up, shifting beliefs and changing behaviors

You're willing to trust yourself, me and the process

This program is not for you if...

You are choosing to blame other people and be a victim.

You are not ready to make changes and you are unwilling to do the work or change your perspective on what is possible for you.

You are unwilling to take responsibility for the role you play in your life and relationships.


Hi! I’m Taylor!

Gemini ☀️ Taurus 🌑 Libra 🏹
Enneagram 4, ENFP,
5/1 Manifesting Generator
GK life's work & purpose: synergy & diplomacy

I love black coffee and red wine.
I love to lift heavy weights to metal music and ecstatic dance with cacao.
I love to travel and experience new things and I'm also the biggest home body that wears comfy clothes 98% of the time. 
I'm incredibly excited to be a Mom one day. 

I’m compassionate and deeply empathetic, just as much as I'm motivational and empowering. 

I'm excellent at guiding you into the wisdom of your intuition and accessing your personal power so you remember who you are and where you’re going.

I relieve the pressure of having to ‘figure things out’ and bring you the potent perspective shifts that remind you that life gets to have simplicity and ease. We'll probably laugh often about how hard you're making things on yourself. 

I have a deep capacity to hold emotional space, so you can feel more grounded and safe in your body.

I love talking about the deep, emotionally challenging human things just as much as I love talking about the empowering, big vision creator things. I always say 'you get to bring it ALL to me' 

I'll constantly mirror to you of the importance of embodying your authentic self expression and give you the space to confidently declare your hearts desires with conviction so you can have ALL that you desire without having to settle or play small. 

I'm a this AND kinda woman committed to creating a life of freedom & fulfillment and I'm the woman you hire when you're ready to truly see yourself and all that you are here to become.

I went on my first date with my partner Scott on 11/11/22 [cute, right?] 

The moment we did, we both knew we were eachother's person.

But I was scared.
Scared of getting hurt, scared of getting my heart broken, scared of going all in again and making the wrong decision. I had been through enough heartbreak that I didn't know if I could risk it again. 

But this fear was impacting more than my love life.
It was impacting my business, my finances, my confidence and my relationship with my SELF. 

If it wasn't for the support I had at the time, I probably would have pushed him away and stayed on the path I was on. 

Self sabotage, over-working to meet my needs, being miss-independant, feeling unsafe and anxious in my body, choosing the same person, different face and then feeling defeated and unworthy of the love I desired when I got my heart broken again.

However, I leaned in...
To my support system and the tools I'll be teaching you inside of becoming.

AND... It was by far the BEST choice I have ever ever made. 

Not only because of the man I am with and the relationship we have.
But because of the woman I have become

Becoming is a program I've created from the deepest lessons and moments out of heartbreak, healing and rising back into my power and choosing conscious love.

This container is an intimate space where we will be walking side by side, becoming the highest versions of ourselves, in love and in life. 

I promise, if you desire it - you can have it.
Your work is to not stop believing in it, or yourself. 


Most of the entire world didn’t grow up in the blueprint of conscious relationships

& being around you two has been SO healing. Not because it’s “perfect” but because it’s True. Real. Deep. The only way. I can SEE all the people who will be able to love deeper & know what’s possible/available, & their lineage because of what’s coming through you & him. Self mastery is sooo part of it, how this is so part of life, how we need to see we get to have it all, how the divine has been setting you up for this all along. I love you.


She doesn’t expect there not to be hardship or darkness in your life. She helps you find your strength and grace and growth through it. And she loves and supports you while you do. 

 "I have accomplished leaps and bounds from where I was through her guidance. I am building this juicy delicious magical life with her support. Taylor sees and acknowledges the shadow. She doesn’t expect there not to be hardship or darkness in your life. She helps you find your strength and grace and growth through it. And she loves and supports you while you do. She is gifted as an empath and energy worker and even more so she calls out and recognizes when you are gifted the same way. I am so grateful to her for walking beside me. For believing in me and for helping me to achieve my own version of authentic service to humanity and my own gifted greatness"



BECOMING © Taylor'd Life Coaching 2023