The monthly membership for the ever-evolving, purpose driven woman ready to rise into her authentic expression and feminine magnetism - in love, life and leadership


Inside you'll get daily Taylor Talks & live monthly experiences on feminine embodiment, conscious relationships, creating a soul led business & designing a life in alignment with who you authentically are

Magnetism is designed for if...

👉🏻 You're a woman who loves personal growth, healing, breaking free from patterns and becoming the most liberated version of yourself.

👉🏻 You've operated from your masculine most of your life and you're ready to unleash your divine feminine expression and embody your authentic magnetism! 

👉🏻 You're committed to creating a LIFE in alignment with who you authentically are & know you're not here to be boxed in, you're here to be free.

👉🏻 You're a highly sensitive human ready to master your energy and find balance between business & relationships, masculine & feminine, rest and productivity - so you can get things done & stay in alignment in the process.

👉🏻 You're healing your relationship with men and the masculine and you're deeply desiring divine, conscious union - while also breaking free from self sabotaging relationship patterns

👉🏻 You're heart centered, purpose led healer, leader and the ripple is your reason, because you know that all change begins with you!

👉🏻 You're looking to grow as the WHOLE woman and become the most liberated, connected and powerful version of yourself - in life, relationships and business! 

YES, This is me!

Here's what our members are saying...


If you're ready to step into your relaxed, receptive, resilient and regulated af era in life, business & relationships while ditching the limiting beliefs, perfectionism & masculine shield of protection...

Magnetism is for you!

Inside the membership you'll get access to:

✅ Almost DAILY Taylor Talks + a library of 60+ audios you can tune into anytime!

✅ Self paced & group challenges that support you in integrating feminine energy into your daily life.

✅ 1 - 2 LIVE experiences every month to get out of your mind, into your body & more connected with your feminine energy.

 Masterclass library with 20+ hours of replays to tune into at your own pace!

"I joined Magnetism because I needed a community opportunity that would bring me back into the coaching world as I haven’t had any type of coaching in over a year. I’ve done plenty of work with Taylor before so I knew what to kind of expect. Her transmissions are one of the things I look forward to every day - there’s always something relevant to me or something I struggle with or am currently going through. Plus she always gives tangible ways to utilize it in real life.
I cried most of the first live call because of how much shifted inside of me that I didn’t even know I was still holding onto. Taylor has given me the clarity on my future self that I didn’t know I needed or could get. She’s been a wealth of knowledge and insight and the most wonderful energy to bring back into my life. If I could say anything to someone wanting to join I’d say - don’t wait a second longer! You need to experience the gift that is Magnetism and see for yourself how fast your entire world changes!!"


1. Tap into inspiration by tuning into a Taylor Talk

You'll have immediate access to the Transmission Channel where you can tap into past + future transmissions and trainings on the go, with topics like feminine energetics, money, somatics, nervous system regulation, sexuality and conscious business, lifestyle + relationships. 

2. Drop into receiving through a masterclass or embodiment experience

Get access to an ever-growing library of self-paced masterclasses, embodiment experience and practices you can dive into as soon as you join!

PLUS every month you'll get to join in on a brand new masterclass + experience! 

3. Connect with the community

Rather than walking the path of comparison and competition, inside of magnetism we support collaboration. Inside the membership not only will you be able to meet other like-hearted women, but you can also share and promote your medicine inside and find a soul-sister or soul-mate client! 

Long standing members will also gain opportunities to facilitate experiences inside of the membership


for only $88 / month!


PLUS when you get inside you'll gain immediate access to the following experiences:


By joining Magnetism you will...

✔ Expand your capacity to receive more money, love, pleasure & support without feeling guilty, pushing it away or burning yourself out...

✔ Get out of your head and into your body by healing your heart and creating safety so you can live authentically & feel powerful in vulnerability... 

✔ Go from over-working, overwhelmed & over-thinking in your masculine energy & to living, leading & loving from your feminine magnetism... 

✔  Learn the tools, teachings & techniques you need to regulate your nervous system, alchemize trauma and step into your power so you can go from feeling triggered to trusting... 

✔ Learn how to align with your feminine energy and heal your relationship with your feminine body, so you can let go of shame, self judgement and deepen into self love, flow & alignment with your own body and energy... 

 ✔ Activate a deep level of confidence in yourself, and a  deep trust in your intuition so you can move forward toward you  vision without questioning or second guessing...

✔ Become more connected with yourself, your body and to deepen into the self love & acceptance that makes you feel secure, confident and at home in your own skin...

✔ Break free from patterns of scarcity so you can create more wealth & abundance without having to DO more...

  Heal & reclaim your relationship with men & masculine energy so you can manifest an amazing relationship with your divine masculine man AND learn how to feel safe, sexy and free in it without performance or people pleasing...

 ✔ Access a new level of self awareness to liberate yourself from the unconscious patterns that are getting in the way of the deep soul fulfilling love, the authentic as fuck business & freedom-filled lifestyle that you desire...

...And sooooo much more!


 Babe, its time for you to go from feeling overwhelmed and stressed... 

To feeling confident, relaxed and receptive in your body, business & relationships.


What members are saying... 


You can stay a member as long as you'd like, or you can cancel if you're not feeling the vibe! 


Taylor is a holistic life and relationship coach, somatic embodiment & feminine business mentor for purpose driven, pattern breaking women that know they're here for more.

Her work is focused on the whole human and she takes a holistic approach to life, business and relationships. 

She started her business in 2019 after ending a 4 year relationship, and embarking on her healing journey. She was a personal trainer but through her own healing work, and working with her first life coaches, she saw the transformation that started to take place within herself and the women she was working with. So she decided to take a leap of faith to quit her job and go all in on becoming a life coach!

Since then she has created a multiple 6 figure soul-led business, worked with hundreds of women, lived in 4 different countries and got engaged to the man of her dreams. (With a LOT of change, challenges and personal growth along the way)

She's on a mission to help women liberate their feminine power, heal their hearts, unleash their authentic expression and rise into their highest personal potential! 


Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions?

Message me on instagram @taylorthelifecoach